
Rejuvenate uncovered

What is Rejuvenate Uncovered? It’s an opportunity to take off our mask (i.e. Domestic engineers, Business and career women, church/community leader, etc.) and BE vulnerable.  In your vulnerability, there’s a need of mercy and that is where you will find humility and the ability to absorb new and refreshing ways to improve your life and well being.

Every year, a new theme is selected for our Rejuvenate Uncovered series. This year, our theme is “A Better You”. What is a better you? A Better You is being mentally fit, financially strong, and making good choices for your health and wellness.

So, what are you waiting on? Sign up to attend our live quarterly webinars… your Rejuvenation awaits you!

Better You: Financially Strong

Quarter 1: Jan 26, Feb 16, Mar 16 · 730 PM - 9 pm CST

BeTTER YOU: Mental FItness

Quarter 2: Apr 20, may18, june 15 · 730 PM - 9pm CST

Better You: Physical Health & Wellness

Quarter 3: July 20, Aug 17, sep 21 · 730 PM - 9pm CST

Quarter 4: End of Year Retreat

We close out our "Better You Series" with our annual Rejuvenate Uncovered sisters retreat. An inspiring opportunity to enjoy and connect with one another as we continue to build upon our foundation of becoming the women God intends for us to be.

Sisters Wisdom

Sisters Wisdom are monthly bible devotionals and round table discussions on biblical topics.

Every year, a new bible topic is selected for our “sisters” to signup, study and facilitate the discussion. Also, get access to our online devotional and a virtual meeting group that ladder up to spiritual focuses and goals.

Titus 2 Woman 2022

This holistic 8-month devotional focus on the roles and characteristics of “the Woman,” specifically a woman of God. What does she look like, how does she behave, and how does she relate to others? If you’re looking to begin your journey on becoming a Titus 2 Woman as described in the book of Titus, this study is a great place to start.

Galatians 5 Woman 2021

In depth study of the Fruit of the Spirit, how to sow/cultivate the fruit, and how to maintain and harvest this fruit for years to come. This 12 month devotional was an opportunity to study an area that YOU personally need or want to develop.

Proverbs 31 Woman 2020

If you ever found yourself questioning your womanhood or whether you measure up to the Proverbs 31 Woman. This revelation study, confirms she is a blessing to be proclaimed over the life of women and not to be used as a checklist. She is MORE than a good wife!

Women of the Bible 2019

In this 12-month devotional we studied and took an in-depth look at the spiritual lessons learned from the Bible's most empowHERed and iconic women and the implications in life today.

Sisters Wisdom 2023 Topic Coming Soon

1:1 Ment"HER"ing

Get personalized mentorship and regular check-ins to help you reach your personal and spiritual goals.

Monthly Sessions

If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 ment’her’ing might be the right step for you. Learn what you can expect in a session or book a touch base today.